Cloud hosting and storage services for small to medium-sized businesses

Cloud hosting and storage services for small to medium-sized businesses



Cloud Computing benefits organizations in many ways. In fact, the benefits are so numerous that it makes it almost impossible not to consider moving business operations to a cloud-based platform. And yet many organizations rely on outdated and inefficient processes because they don’t understand the benefits.

Using our Cloud Servives, you can easily apply data and technology to seize opportunities and solve complex problems. Our powerful platform and full portfolio of leading-edge services position you to build data-driven, agile solutions that can set you apart from the competition


How to Decide if Cloud is Right for your Business

The cloud is a disruptive trend that has been gaining momentum for some time. However, it seems that many businesses are still confused on where cloud computing can fit in for their business initiatives. Though it may sound like a complex concept, cloud computing simply means that your data is housed offsite in someone else’s data center.Cloud computing services offer a big promise. Instant access, unlimited connectivity, the ability to pay as you grow, and the illusion of simplicity. Until you realise it isn’t anymore. Choosing CPU, memory, disk storage, up and down bandwidth, and the cloud provider can be difficult for the uninitiated. With Optimus Systems, we have designed thousands of cloud solutions, including our own, so our experience can help.

So you want to move to the cloud?

It is important to evaluate if cloud is right for you from a strategic and operational perspective. Does your demand for IT vary throughout the year? Are the costs of your IT impacting your ability to grow as a business? If so you may consider a cloud option that can be easily scaled.You should also evaluate your current IT set-up to understand the benefits of moving to the cloud.

Together we can evaluate your requirements and design the cloud solution that meets your needs, balancing cost, performance, and redundancy.

Through regular monitoring and reporting, our team will look after all aspects of your cloud services, keeping things up-to-date, tuned and running efficiently.



Cloud Application

Azure, Office 365, Hosted Exchange, SharePoint, One Drive for Business, Microsoft Teams, QuickBooks, Xero and more.

Secure Hosting

Providing website and application hosting on hardened CloudLinux platforms running LiteSpeed and cPanel.

Private Cloud

High-performance services sized to fit your needs, including data protection, system recovery, server hosting and application offerings from a secure local datacentre.

Public Cloud

We can help you make the best choice among affordable storage and hosting options sized to fit your needs using Azure, Google and AWS services or a hybrid approach with our datacentre/private cloud.

Virtual Desktops

Access your desktop applications, files and emails from anywhere in the world – securely using a standardised offering and your business maintains the data and intellectual property.

Virtual Servers

Migrating to the cloud doesn’t always mean you become a SaaS based company. In cases where your own security and infrastructure is required, we can host virtual servers on a virtual network linked to your offices for continuity.