CCTV stands for closed-circuit television, also known as video surveillance. It is a set of cameras that transmit the footage only to private authorised monitors. Usually, a CCTV system will also have a video recorder that stores the footage for future reference

This is intended for people who have no idea about what CCTV. The information presented here could be basic for anyone in the physical security industry, but it is a great resource for those seeking to get an overview of what CCTV is. If you are a homeowner or a small busines owner looking for a video surveillance system, then this is a good read for you. In this short article I will answer the following questions:
·       What is CCTV?
·       Why do you need it?
·       How does it work?
·       What are your options?
CCTV stands for closed-circuit television, also known as video surveillance. It is a set of cameras that transmit the footage only to private authorised monitors. Usually, a CCTV system will also have a video recorder that stores the footage for future reference. This is CCTV in short.
If you ask yourself why you need it, you will find out that investing in a CCTV system could come with more benefits than what you expect. Here are some of the benefits of installing a video surveillance system:
·       Deter criminal activity
·       Monitor your property and the activity around it
·       Collect evidence in case of crimes
·       Analyze data for better decision making
·       Oversee your cash registers and employees
·       Monitor movement in a particularly high-risk area
·       Prevent shoplifting
·       Keep an eye on unwanted visitors
·       Feel safe
Moreover, your insurance rate may improve giving you a fiscal return on your investment.
CCTV systems have advanced a lot with the advancement of technology and the introduction of machine learning and artificial intelligence. However, the basic structure and operation of the system remains somehow constant. In figure 1, you can see the basic components of the system. The cameras are placed at the location you want to monitor.